วันเสาร์ที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

My Birthday Wish this year ~ Leader Please Be Nice to MEL

Happy Belated Birthday to ME ^o^

Another year's gone .... and I'm one year older!
Doesn't feel any different from yesterday at all ummm... it's really just

Only One Day

Let me recall what happened last year ^^

I started off last year with happiness. I spent time traveling domestically with my friends and .... my boyfriend (at that time).
I went to the floating market @ Ampawa, spending the night, enjoying the boat ride and all the fireflies.
I've been to the island and having a blast of time with the clear blue sky and the emerald ocean.

I had the "Not so fancy" Birthday but I was happy anyway.

I started to watch F4. I leaned about 'Kim Hyun Joong'. I googled 'SS501'. I searched for 'WGM'.

Finally fell for Leader the SECOND time (Read my previous story about how I have fallen for leader not ONCE but TWICE ~ here ).

Then without prior notice, the 6-year relationship ended like a flash of light.
I was kind of lost and in despair. I used to think how I would live my life if the relationship I have pampered had ended.
I cried really really hard on the first 2 days. I talked to many many people just to console my mind but I kept crying more.

I hated myself being so weak and I knew from the depth of my heart I needed to get back on my feet as soon as I can.

Leader APPEARED just in time ...
I spent most of my free time ... watching old clips, old VDOs of Leader and SS501.
Days and months have passed and I found myself fully RECOVERED !
I LAUGHED once again ... I felt that I could enjoy the essence of life on my own.

I think no more of the past ... I am READY to move on ... and I did move on.
I joined Leader Fanclub in Thailand. I went to meetings.
I did some translations. I met new friends. I made overseas contacts.
I involved in Leader's activities in Thailand.

Then ... I ...... met ...... the truth of life and I've experienced Human Nature during my active period.

and before my birthday.... I have made my decision !

I've opened a Forum in Pantip Thailand website, Chalermthai Cafe, Korean Club under this name

Hyuniversal@0606 ~ A Love Planet ~

I, together with my team, are on the move and we're ready to continue supporting Leader in any way we can.
I've planned for something and I've been busy doing it.
Please anticipate what is about to come. I'll be doing my best and I'll be more than happy to help overseas fans with any Thai-related matters.

28th March is my birthday and I was out celebrating with my team.
I was happy throughout the day.
I was MORE than HAPPY when I received a Birthday cake from the girls.

Thank you so much !
Thank you for everything !
Thank you for your sincerity !
Thank you for Loving Leader as much as I do !

Thank you 'Kim Hyun Joong' for bringing the TRUTH to me, and for bringing these wonderful people to 'MY LIFE'

Jupiter, Uranus, Mercury, Pluto, Saturn, Mars, and Venus ~ ~~~~~ YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE ^^ ========>>>>> Thank you for today and Let's make IT happen TOGETHER !!


3 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Happy birthday ^o^

Stephanie Oktafianti กล่าวว่า...

Happy belated bdae..saengil chukae ^^
sorry for the delay greeting..
have news for you mel.
We, fans of Boy of flowers Indonesia gonna have a fan meeting with BOF cast this year..actually it will be this April, but..we have no prepare at all..so we decided to do it between June or July.
The casts who already confirmed to attend are three persons..and Kim Hyun Joong one of them ^_^
But, i'm sorry..i can't tell you the confirmed date of the FM, because their management have to re-arrange about the schedule.
I'll let you know as soon as i know the confirmed date from the EO
It just some people know about this FM (I think the member of BBFI website already know ^^)
I'll give you the detail as soon as the management has announced the date..
Hope you can join us..^^

Ps. what's your email?

BLo_oM Li_oN กล่าวว่า...

oh! myyyyyyy

This is really really a good news!!


can i scream ???? ke ke

here is my email


Thnks so much for sharing this info with me ^^
