วันอังคารที่ 30 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

My first SS501 Persona @ Taipei ~ A 1-night-trip ~

While waiting for the 5 boys to be active once again, let me share with you my 1st Persona Expereince. I think I'm not too late for this, right? I've blogged about this already but it was all in Thai.

Taipei Persona was my 1st Korean Concert and it came with many difficulties. I changed my mind last minute. I got about 2 weeks to get everything done, the airplane ticket, concert ticket and acommodation. I couldn't take leave so I've made my decision to go on Saturday morning and leave on Sunday night. Amazing, right? A one-night-trip from Bangkok to Taipei !

One of my friend helped me with the concert ticket since I was then a 'New comer' and I hardly knew anybody. I've booked the airplane ticket but was still in the waiting list. I wanted to make my short trip worthwhile so I planned to stay in the same hotel as the boys. However, there was then no news about where they will be staying.

My time was running out and I've got only 7 days left before the concert date. On Monday Oct 13th, I got the IM from my friend saying that she could find the concert ticket for me and one of my friend who would go with me. The owner of these tickets were Chinese TripleS who couldn'tget her VISA approval to Taipei. Though paying double price for the concert tickets, I agreed to take them. (Details omitted since it was too complicated -_-'')

On that same day, I've got the confirmation from the AirTicket Agency informing me that 2 roundtrip tickets from Bangkok to Taipei were booked and needed payment asap. That was good news since the airplane tickets were not that expensive. As soon as I made the payment for my air tickets. I received another IM from the very same friend of mine saying that the boys might stay at the same hotel as their last visit, which was the Grand Hyatt Taipei. Making my decision as fast as I could, I logged in Agoda and booked one-night at the Grand Hyatt! (I never would have thought of staying in a five-star-hotel before).

So ... that was it.. I've made everything possible, and paid for everrthing in the same day!!!!
3 days before I left Bangkok, I got a shocking update about SS501 accommodation. They confirmed staying at the Sherwood. What's done is done! I could not turn back time. Cancellation means ... no money back. Inside... I was crying so hard... paradise was just out of reach! Nothing could be done about my hotel reservation. Whatever will be, will be !

Luckily two of my other friends had managed to get a room @ The Sherwood ... luck just never finds its way to me T_T+
After my arrival at Taipei Touyuan International Airport, my heart was pumping so fast I could hear it (ha ahaa too exaggerated). I thought to myself...

"I will see Kim Hyun Joong .... LIVE ... and FRESH ... today !!"

I had a smile on my face the whole time and on the way to our hotels. I didn't check in at the Grand Hyatt because I could check in anytime. I went together with the rest of my friends to the Sherwood. We got lost a bit finding the hotel but finally made it there. I saw about 10 TripleS waiting outside the hotel and I thought ...

"They have not left the hotel!"

It was then around 1 PM (Actually they've left the hotel already)
My friends checked in and everyone agreed to wait for the boys at the lobby. Even though I had only one piece of bread since the plane landed, I kept telling myself to hold on to my hunger! I didn't want to lose the opportunity to see Leader.

Fortunately, one of my friend decided to sacrify her chance to see the boys and took all of our bags up to the room. I then felt like .... I needed to go to the restroom ... !!!!!

Otoke !!

I had my friend wait in front of the restroom at the angle she could see the hotel exit. I hurriedly did my business and ran out... still no sign of them. It was 3 PM, we still waited! I saw many tripleS who stayed there walked in and out all the time. Some waited at the lobby just like us. I forgot how long we stayed there but it was about 30 minutes before the concert started and I ........................................ was still at the hotel lobby !!!!!

15 minutes before the concert ...... we decided ... to leave ... didn't know whether they have left the hotel or not but got no time to hang around there anymore. I arrived at Taipei Arena and went inside wondering if they left the hotel after us (What a fool !!).
Well, do I have to tell you how I enjoyed the concert? ke ke... Seeing Leader for the first time, I forgot how loud I had screamed, how high I jumped, how happy I was.

Though I only had one bread and a sip of water for the whole day, I was full with energy. I saw Leader so close I could touch him but the stage was waaaay tooooo high. When it came to Leader's solo... I squeezed myself closer to the stage. As soon as he tore his shirt .......... I knew that I was only screaming .. long and loud. I turned to my friend and we hugged each other ...

"We see it... we see it... " hahaha.... feel like a pervert ^^

Well, I had the blast of time during the concert. I enjoyed the encore part seeing Leader having fun with his water bottles. I wish he could come to Thailand during our Thai New Year... he would be happy to play water and splash water as hard as he wants.

As soon as the concert ended, I rushed outside to meet the other two of my friends and we hurried back to the hotel. Yes... we waited for them at the lobby again. I waited till 1 AM. and finally they arrived .... but through restricted elevator. I only got to see their van went down the underground parking lot and I met with DSP President together with the manager. The manager bumped into my friend and he turned to us, smiling and apologizing !!

Wooooooo.......... such a strong smell of alcohol coming from him.
Knew then they went celebrating ...

I gave up my chance to meet the boys and we left to rest at our hotel ~~~~ yeaaa... the GRAND HYATT !! We checked in at 2AM and checked out at 8 AM. We rushed to the airport immediately to send the boys off. The other two of my friends who stayed at the Sherwood didn't join with us. When we arrived at Touyuan International airport, there were many Triples there already. I and my friend stood apart from each other. I would be filming the boys and my friend would be handing the boys our letters. Then I got a phone call ...

"They 're about to leave the hotel.... NO Leader...NO Leader... is he there already?? we saw only 4 of them"

My heart shrunk all of a sudden... NO LEADER !!!.... where could he be? I started to get panic and upset. I then got another call from my stalking team in Thailand asking if it was true that Leader left Taipei earlier. Actually one of our stalking member was already waiting for the boys at Incheon. Then .... I saw the police car and the vans arrived.... I got to my best spot and held my camcorder as high as I could ... the door opened.... there they came .... but....

They were surrounded by press and media !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could not get any shot of them ... and I just gave up.
I didn't ran after .... I was trying to find my friend who was supposed to hand the present to the boys.

When I saw her, she was crying.
She told me that she was about to give the letters to Jung Min and Jung Min'd already held out his hand to get the letters. However, the security guard just slapped away her hands and so did the letters. She was telling me that she was so close to Jung Min... so close to give our letters !!!

Yeah.... we were so close for everything...
Nothing can be done...

I still had my letters with me... thought of giving to them durin BKK Persona but didn't

I spent the afternoon shopping though with an upsetting mind ...

On the plane, I was thinking back

It was a one-night-trip. This was my first time seeing Leader in person. This was my first concert. Seeing Leader in the concert should be enough for me. There're still chances .... I know there will be a chance for me to meet Leader once again.....



Cause you are Kim Hyun Joong, The Leader of SS501 ~ You're everywhere ~


1 ความคิดเห็น:

kikilala กล่าวว่า...

Wow!! Thanks for sharing your experience.

We had finally started a blog for Baby. Do drop by. :o)