วันจันทร์ที่ 11 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Where is MY SKULL SCARF ? ?

It's been awhile since my last Persona in HongKong. I've decided to blog this story wiht a high expectation that my wish will be granted! If not, well... what to do...

On December 10th, 2009, I together with my friends took a morning flight to HongKong with hope that we would catch a glimpse of the boys after landing. I got this flight ONLY ONE DAY before the 10th !! and yeah with extra expense .... Did we see the boys? Did I get a chance to see Leader? With all the effort... nope ... we missed them !

The girls turned left and the boys turned right !

On December 12th, 2009, the Persona Day ! We've moved from Kowloon to stay at Mariott Sky City Hotel. Also, we've put our effort, our full effort to catch the boys before they left for the final rehearsal. Waited outside about 4 hours, I've given up... not because of my boredom or anything but because of my allergy ... I kept sneezing and coughing since the wind was so strong and the weather was quite cold. Did I see the boys? Did I get a chance to see Leader? Once again ... nope ... I missed them !

The girls left and they boys came !

3 hours before the concert started, we left the hotel dressing so extreme... with lightstick and headbands ... we looked like some weired people but we were happy ... who cares ???

Before coming to HongKong, I've bought a Skull Scarf that was made from nice fabric, very soft and stylish! I thought of giving this scarf to Leader ... he loves the skull pattern ... and he must have liked this scarf too. I attached the namecard from kimhyunjoongthailand with the scarf and wrote some messages "Your smile always make me happy." Now, it was only a matter of time !

During the concert, I waited and waited for the right moment to pass this scarf to him. I knew he would be singing on my side so I made no move at all though my friends kept running here and there throughout the concert. I talked to the security guard in front of me, asking nicely if he could help me pass this scarf to Leader during the encore songs. Nope.... I was rejected...

The Encore's started and Leader was about to walk to my side. He was hit with the water gun since the very beginning of the encore. I knew... I knew ... he would walk this way with the dancer ... he would dance in front of me ... !!! Finally ... HE CAME ... dancing happily with the dancer ... shaking his body with fun, also killing the fans with his PRICELESS SMILE .

The song was about to end ... my last chance ... I looked at the security guard I've talked to earlier ... begging him ... BUT he denied.

"Throw .... throw to him ... just throw the scarf to him" The guard told me.

Leader was still in front of me ... singing the last part, smiling like an angel from above ...

Oh!! he was about to walked up front.... what to do... what to do... !!

Never thought about throwing thing before, I did ..................
My scarf fell behide Leader...
I didn't know if he was startled or angry about me throwing thing at him ... but my scarf didn't touch him at all... it just fell right behide him.

Leader stopped for a second, turned around to look at the "THING"
Our eyes met for only a fragment of second "It was a COLD LOOK"

He walked up front, leaving my skull scarf ... right there !

Ummm... my heart sank ... my eyes were teary ... but but ... may be the dancer would pick up later! I knew the dancer would give it to Leader... they all know Leader likes SKULL.

The Encore was about to end, the boys gathered, all dancers came out, .... my scarf was still THERE. Walking together, they stopped in front of me, saying farewell to the fans, ONE of the dancers PICKED UP !!!

I screamed like I was hit with 10 million tons of bricks! Finally... I kept my eyes on that dancer and I couldn't see my scarf anymore !

Where was it? I was right there in his hands a minute ago. Did he throw my scarf to the fans? He shouldn't have... it was a scarf ... he should have noticed it that it wasn't just a cloth !

3 Days after the concert, the truth revealed... I found the VDO clip with the scence that my scarf was thrown away to the Fans...

Below is the last shot of my scarf (Credit pic as tagged)

I know it's hard to find... I know it's impossible to get my scarf back.

Just a word to the person who got my skull scarf ......

" I really wish I could give the scarf to Leader. If you happened to have a skull scarf thrown to you during HongKong Persona, please keep it well. If you would like to give it to Leader, PLEASE DO. If you would like to give it back to ME, I'll be waiting for your contact."

Where is MY SKULL SCARF? I don't know but I know it is taken care of ...
