วันจันทร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Countdown to Kimhyunjoongthailand 1st Anniversary!

Kimhyunjoongthailand was first started in a small community in Pantip forum, Asian Club section "Kim Hyun Joong My Cute Boy". The first topic was posted on March 9th, 2009 and the starter is Ice2Ice (Pantip username). After the first topic was posted, it received great response from Pantip Community.


Asian Club Page

** Pantip is one of the Biggest website in Thailand which consists of every aspects of Thai community. It suits all people from all ages. People who have registered in Pantip are ranked from the very Top-Class people to a working woman like me. Pantip also has a very strong influence on media, politics, cosmetics, tourist attractions, technology and etc. If I want to have a new cell phone, Pantip will help me choose. If I want to travel, Pantip helps me to find the cheap but nice accomodation. **

New people came to join the forum everyday and our small community in Asian club grew bigger and bigger. Ice2ice together with T.Zai then registered the domain name under the title

Do not repost graphic!

That's when our group has formed. I registered to be a member of Kimhyunjoongthailand on May 20th, 2009 and was the member #159. The total members registered in Kimhyunjoongthailand (23 Feb 2010) are 3,844. We've made over 13,000 posts already !

Pantip forum is still an active account up to today ... and we've posted 400 topics since last year. Our first meeting was June 6th, 2009 to celebrate Kim Hyun Joong Birthday. Our second meeting was on November 29th 2009.
We've been having small gathering whenever we're free. We also have the club Hoodie T-Shirt which I wore to all Persona concerts I've been. Next month will be our first anniversary and we will be playing games in Pantip Forum and please look forward to seeing our community grow even bigger ... and always together with Kim Hyun Joong.
