วันจันทร์ที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

My experience during SS501 Rehearsal time@Impact

After having enough rest at Siam Paragon, i and my friends left for Impact Arena. The boys would be rehearsing their concert for their big day.

It was Friday and it was Chinese New Year season.... the traffic was jammed!
I spent almost 1 hour to get to the express way. The express was not express AT ALL. There was traffic on the express route to Impact too. I reached Impact around 9.00 PM. Some fans were there already. We saw the staffs working on the stage outside as well.

I was walking around Impact and stopped at one of the entrance. I sat there and started giving a Live report to MiniUFO. By the time I did the Live update, it was Young Seang solo already. I got myself excited when I heard Leader's voice singing "Please be Good me" I couldn't wait for tomorrow. I kept feeding live updates to MiniUFO till the rehearsal was about to finish. I told MiniUFO that I would be getting ready to chase after the boys and left the conversation ^^.

I told my friends to get ready, they would leave Impact at about 11Pm. I had my car ready ... the fans started lining up when they saw the vans moved closer to the venue gate. All probs were held up to show the support we have for them. I was in my car, engine ready! I had no idea where they would be heading... back to the hotel... or go party ... turn leaft or turn right!

Then I heard the scream ... I turned to look around and I saw 3 vans .... the staffs vans.
Okay ... now only left with the boys' vans ....

The first group turned left ... the boys's vans had to turn left too. There was a police motorcycle waiting to lead the way (Everything is possible in Thailand ^^).

The fans started to scream louder so I prepared my engine.... ready to go. I saw the police motobike moved forward and I saw the gate opened.... there were 3 vans.... I didn't know which one the boys were in.

My friends ran back to my car as fast as they can.....
"Mel...go go go go... now.... the boys are in the second van.. the coppered one... now goo"

After they turned left, I speed up and the rest of the following vans did the same. There were about 4 vans, almost 10 cars ...

I thought I was featuring in "Speed" or "Fast & Furious". All the fans' cars or vans drove like crazy. Some just cut infront of the other. (speak like I didn't ha ha ha) I drove about 140 km/hr... I know... I know it was too fast and I could get my self killed for driving that fast. I didn't speed up as the other cars cause I wanted to be behind the boys' vehicles. The other cars were trying to stay beside the boys' van which was in the middle!!!

It was sooooo crazy watching from behind...
After following them for awhile, I knew that they were heading to the hotel. I was trying to spped up and take the lead to wait in front of the hotel. It was the toll booth ahead.. I prepared the money...

When we came, this toll booth was 10 baht.... I picked ip the 10 coin... I got to take the lead!
Then when I arrived at the toll booth, I gave the 10 coin to the lady .... then accelerated.
I noticed.....oh.....my goddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

I had to pay 55 baht not 10 ! Then I stopped my car -_- '''''' to pay the rest of the money. I didn't want to get into trouble. The boys' vans and the followers were all gone. I figured it out and heded to the hotel with the speed exceeded 150 km/hr.!

I finally found them... and finaly arived at the hotel ^^

The boys got down the vans and walked into the hotel. I didn't see anything casue I was parking my car.

They stayed on the 11th floor of Dusit Thani Hotel.

I and My friends waited there for a little while and left for our homes.

That's the end of the day!

How was it? Crazy? Mad? I don't know
I only wanted to feel the excitement when following the boys in our own country!

