วันพุธที่ 10 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

UPDATED ! Possible SS501 Schedule during Bangkok Persona !

I only have the rough information about their schedule during Bangkok Persona. I have to be certain first about every bids of news I've received from every resources I have.

This is my FIRST time I've been excercising my BEST resources I have. These includes my friends who are working in different section and different fields, my relatives who can help me get JUST A LITTLE priviledge information, and all the girls from Kimhyunjoongthailand who also have many wonderful resources !!

Feb 11th
- The 5 Boys arrival -- detail Please refer back to MiniUFO post here

Feb 12th
Morning - Stay in the hotel recording for TV Shows and other media (I'm not sure how many)
Afternoon - Leave the hotel to Press Conference
- Fansign Session
- Meet & Greet Session
Night - Concert Rehearsal@ Impact Arena

Feb 13th
Morning - Possibly leave to rehearse
Evening - Concert starts at 7.00 PM (doors open@ 6 PM)
Night ------------------->>>> LEAVE BKK back to SOUEL

***** I learnt about this for many hours ago and was checking everywhere I can. It's confirmed that they will leave on Feb 13th right after the concert !!!

We've been waiting for them to come for 1 year.

We've been hurting when they cancelled the FANSIGN last year ONE day before the Fansign date.

We've been hurting when the news from 3 sources didn't match at all about the reason why they've postponed!! And the SADDEST thing is THEY were already at the airport !!!!!!!!!!!!!

We've been hurting from the concert postponement for 2 TIMES (Nov 17, Jan 9)

We've been feeling insecure when the venue changed.

We've been hurting NOW AGAIN when THEY will RUSH back to Korea.

I am still sad but I will feel better soon.

I know Thailand may not be a BIG market just like ....

But WE do LOVE SS501 ....just like the other fans from the other countries !

I have to remind myself... they're coming and I have been waiting just to give them the FULL SUPPORT. I wanted to cry my tear out from disappointment but was holding back my tear.

I have too many questions in my mind right now.
They may have the URGENT matter to do in Korea..... it's Valentine's DAY.

I didn't go back to celebrate the CNY with my family as well ... It's Concert's DAY.

I will be an understanding Fan... but I need a space to feel a little upset and I'll move on.... Just like letting my skull scarf gone missing and never reach Leader.

6 ความคิดเห็น:

ode กล่าวว่า...

hoho mel-ssi~ you must be busy now.
anyway, I just found news that their schedule as reported by kr media, on feb14, they have some leisure time like touring arnd bkk.maybe you would want to refer to this: http://ss501ode.blogspot.com/2010/02/persona-bkk-possible-schedule-during.html

BLo_oM Li_oN กล่าวว่า...

thanks OdeDS for the link !

I just have a more updating news which may hurt many feeling of all Thai Fans... including me TT

I'll be updating soon once i get the confirmation


ode กล่าวว่า...

oww don't say that Mel.
You will be a strong girl; at least you saw them on the concert. At least they have a concert.
Don't think the negative, for everything will have a positive side to it.
Look on the brigght side hun!
Although it's hard.

Be a strong girl.

Stephanie Oktafianti กล่าวว่า...

oh..don't be sad Mel.
I know how it feels, waiting one year for them coming to Thailand. But, at least you saw them in concert..You've gave your best for the boys..and i'm sure they all will be happy with what you've (Thai Fans) done for them..They absolutely proud of you.
they rush go back to Seoul maybe it because Lunar Year..maybe they want spend time together with their family.
So..don't be sad anymore..They will arrive this night!! Save your energy to greet them..tomorrow..
Give your best smile shot!!! wish the boys meet you..and say : Sawadikhap..(did i write it correctly?? ^^)

234changle กล่าวว่า...

Don't know what to say...
Just want to leave a message to cheer you up!
Always be happy!
Enjoy the concert tomorrow!

maryho2323 กล่าวว่า...

dont be sad mel, at least they did come to Thailand... thanks for organising the SG TS dinner on 9 Jan ....Here in Singapore...we are all still hoping and praying that they will land on our tiny RED DOT.