วันอาทิตย์ที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

[Part 2] SS501 Press Conference Feb 12, 2010 @ Parc Paragon

continued from Part 1

I held my camera up and started the non stop shutter! I wanted to scream so bad but couldn't since I was a press ! then I realised... I wanted to look at all the boys with my own bare eyes not through lens!

I stop taking pictures and led my friends did the work (She's got a tele lens just for this event). I only recorded the VDO. During the Press con the boys were so funny. They kept talking all the time to each other. They looked this way , that way , pointed at this and that!!! Leader .... with his 4dness never disappoint me at all. When he was about to sit down, I saw him mumbling to himself... ha ha ha.. what was that??? Then he looked at the fans... everywhere... smiling brightly. The cloudy sky turned clear immediately .... (ke ke this is my feeling). Leader answered the first question and left the rest of the questioned be answered by his dongsaengs. It was so fun watching him passing the microphone to Young Saeng , Kyu Jung, Jung Min, Hyung Joon....

During the interviewed, he pointed to the Sky train and was talking to YS ... I think he was saying to YS like this

"Hey!... look overthere... there're fans watching us from the sky train!" ei ei only my guess

I kept thinking to myself 'Leader didn't even listen to the questions asked .... ha haa' He was too obsessed with the atmostphere around the area. This is their 4 th time in Thailand and this is their 1st time doing the Press Con outdoor in such a wide space like this. The area was packed with fanclubs, non fanclubs, shoppers, and tourists!

Leader must feel very happy ^_^.

I almost fainted when he looked at me and waved. (may be he looked at someone else but I took all the credits here ^^) I then looked at my watch ... and thought... it was about time to go to the fansign. It's almost done!

When the MCs asked the sponsors to take group pictures and led the media to take the last shot. I kept my camera and prepare for the SPRINT of A LIFE TIME ! As soon as Leader said "Kob Khun Krab (Thank you in Thai), I ran like crazy BUT ... the area were PACKED with fans. I had a really hard time getting through. All the fans who know that there would be a fan signing ... now started to run.... it was the total chaos. I ran and shouted at the same time 'Excuse me... press here... press here..... let me through... let me through"

I had to run from Parc Paragon to Siam Center 4th floor, S'Club room. I ran together with my friend and finally got to the 4th floor. We broke the restricted area just to get inside to line up!!!

I forgot that I didn't even have the ticket with me at all!!!
I called my friends asking where they were. We had only 1 hour left for all the signing and I thought ... it would not be enough time to finish.
My othere 2 friends finalled reached me and gave me the ticket!

When I was waiting to get into the room, my friend who had gone inside told me that "NO signing, only shaking hands.... Leader was the first one from the left!" and she was pushed by the guard to hurry going downstairs.

Okay now... Leader ... on the left... first person !!
when it was my turned, I lined up at leader line but then got pushed aside to be in Jung Min line... Oh my god...

Never mind that... at this moment... I don't care anymore... I got to see all of them very close!
The guard still haven't let us walk towards the boys so I had enough time to look at Jung Min. I was soooo happy I smiled like crazy. My body was shaking.... and jumping a little. Jung Min saw my reaction and started to did the same thing... he shaked his body and smiled at me.... ( I didn't looke at leader -_-''')

When they led us walk, I hold my hands out to reach Jung Min and He did the same thing... I was about to shake his hand when the guard push one of the girl to replace my spot and I was moved to the next person which was Young Seang!

I was like "What was that??" but didn't have time to do anything . I then looked at Young Seang and I got to say that... it was my first impression with him. Though I have my whole heart for leader but seeing Young Seang this close and with his warm smile and soft hands... I couldn't refuse my heart not to fall for him.

I grabbed his hands tightly and smiled and just kept smiling.......... I didn't know what to say... I was too happy. Young Seang looked at me smiling and waited for me to say something but I couldn't speak a word. I held his hands for a long time and then I said

"Come back again... okay... come back again.. come often"

The guard saw me holding his hands to long and so went to fetch me out... I walked pass Jung ming and I touched his hands just a little. He smiled at me with apologetic expression because I was about to shake his hands. Then I walked pass Leader... I looked right into his deep set eyes... I just lost in there ... I couldn't find my way out from his sharp eyes and that SMILE!

He just killed me... Leader has just taken my breathe away.... he nodded a little and smiled at me.

Oh My .... I've never been this happy before in my life! I walked out of the room forgetting about everthing. I was so lost and blur.. toltally blurred!

I went to find my friends and when we saw each other... we screamed !

Though there was no signing, I didn't know and didn't have time to be angry anymore...!

I was so tired after running and I just went to the ice cream shop with all of my friends. We chatted and screamed and looked at the pictures from the press con. We exchanged our experiences and rested abit before leaving for Impact Arena.

** I have to admit that all the things happened on Feb12 was very fast and too rush. It was a total chaos. Some fans didn't get to shake the boys' hands because the time was up and they closed the door.(Just like in Malaysia) Those who didn't get to shake hand were crying so hard... I feel so bad and I was angry ... I knew I had my moment and I was in high spirit but when knowing that same thing happened just like in Malaysia Fansign, I was speechless.

We've been waiting for the fansign... but no signing!
We've bought the Endless Photobook to be signed.... but no signing!

They've said that the boys will sign on the posters.... no signing and no posters! (The staffs told us that the posters couldn't be shipped in time from Korea! What a GREAT Excurse.... the concert was postponed and they still didn't have time to ship the posters.... )

Everything can happen with us ..... and asThai fans, we only have to accept this GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT !

3 ความคิดเห็น:

Mini UFO กล่าวว่า...

How I wish I were there to replace you for the handshake.... kekekeke... should have drove my miniUFO there. ^^

圆圆동생 o(∩_∩)o กล่าวว่า...

CHOP ur hand and replace it with my hand for YS soft hand...!!~~~

maryho2323 กล่าวว่า...

oh no... another incident like the Malaysia fan meet. I really pity those TS who are not able to the boys after registration..so close and yet so far