วันจันทร์ที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

[Part 1] SS501 1st Asia Persona Tour Live in Bangkok February 13, 2010

Now I think I have to slow down in writing this one. It will be long and it will be very fun reading (I supposed).

On the concert day, I woke up very early just to get ready for the big day. I went to have my hair done (I just wanted to look my best ^^). I've prepared everything for Kimhyunjoongthailand booth. All the freebies to be given to fans were all packed in my car. When everything was done, I drove out from my home and stopped at the shop not too far. I bought 2 big paper Roses, one read and one pink. I wanted to give the RED ROSE to my dear Leader, and the Pink one for Jung Min.

I felt very happy driving to Impact Arena. It's been 2 months since my last Persona. I still remember my feeling when my skull scarf was thrown away .... right in front of my eyes .... I still remember Leader looking at my scarf and turned away....

Time flies... but I wanted today to last longer than any other day. I didn't want today to end. I didn't want them to leave Thailand tonight! I knew I would be missing Leader sooooooo much.

When I reached Impact Arena at about 10 Am, I saw some fans, overseas fans to be exact, came to queue for standing zone. I was in the standing zone too but I had responsibility to host the booth together with the friends from Kimhyunjoongthailand. I was there too early because some of my friends haven't arrived yet. They went to the boys' hotel to deliver food and beverage to them. Kimhyunjoongthailand has prepared 50 bottles of Red Bull and 50 boxes of Thai dessert for the boys and staffs. (That's may be why the boys were so energetic in the concert ke ke)

I walked around the arena trying to find the location for my booth and finally met the staffs. We've got the booth next to DSP Thailand booth. On our right were TripleSThailand@ Pantip and SS501Thailand.com. All of us were ready to give the best service to fans coming to Impact today. We've Kim Hyun Joong Standee for fans to take picture. Actually we've planned to bring the GIANT Leader to the venue but it was too big and it was hard to transport back and forth. The Santa Kim Hyun Joong Standee would be Great enough. I knew that the fans would love to take picture with Santa Joong ^^.

When the booth was ready, fans from everywhere came. We were so happy seeing them happy with the freebies they got. If any of you who went to Bangkok Persona and saw me, you would see me running here and there, talking to too many people, and walking around all the time. I am sorry if I didn't have time to talk to everyone of you.

Some of you may see the flower standee from Kimhyunjoongthailand and Perfect in our booth. The night before the concert, Liezle and MiniUFO contacted me and informed me that Perfect Website from Korea would like to do the Congratulatory Flower Standee for Kim Hyun Joong. Since it was only one night before Valentine's season, flower shops were really hard to find. However, we've finally managed to do the Congratulatory Flower Standees for both of our websites. I really couldn't do the Korean Style flower due to some tradition in Thailand.

The atmosphere around Impact Arena was so high. Fans were all around taking pictures. It was indeed a very hot day and I felt so sorry for those coming from a cold country like China and Korea. They must have sweat badly -_-'' just like me . When I was walking around our booth, I turned to meet someone.... someone I met before....

The SS501 Camera man from HK Persona!

He looked at me and he remembered me. We shook hands and we talked. Well, I couldn't say that we talked since we spoke in a completely different language. I was talking to him in English and he was replying to me in Korean. ha hah... I didn't know how we could understand each other but we did.

Back in HK Persona, this man got left behind in the airport. He came to ask us the way to Mariott Sky City Hotel. I used to ask him to give Leader our club name card and he did give it to leader. This time we met again in Bangkok and I was so happy he remembered our club. He was the one with VDO recorder. He's recording for the DVD Concert.

I asked him to give the name card to Leader once again but he said...

"Kim Hyun Joong GOT IT" he said with clear English accent ^^

I knew he did get it but I just wanted to give him one more... wasn't it bad?? ke ke..
Then this man spoke some long sentence Korean which I had no idea at all .... and then he said..

"Your club.... say... Welcome to Thailand SS501 .... fighting!!"

now I got what he's meant ... he was going to record the VDO and he wanted us to say this line... so I asked

"Now?" but he said.... "5 minutes" and he showed me the cigaret he's holding.

"Tell Your friends... 5 minutes"

I was so happy ... I ran back to my booth and led all of our members know about this and to get them ready!

When he came, we were ready with all the banners and the props. Ready hana .. tull... sed..

"SS501 Welcome to Thailand @!#@!#!#!!#!#! " ...... ha hahahha all of us were all saying different line on our first try.

Then again..."Welcome to Thailand SS501 fighting!.... Kim Hyun Joong Fighting! ... yeah....." and after that was all the scream... I was surprised that all the fans around the area were helping us screaming .... cheering... clapping .... it was soooooo loud that it attracted a lot of people to come to our booth at that time. ^_________^ I just hope to see this scene in the Concert DVD ..keke

Do not take out picture without permission !

Mr.Camera man whom we called (Mr.Park) : A Camera Man from SS501 Team

When the time got closer to 6 PM, we've started to pack everything and got ready to queue up. I and some of my friends ran soo hard to the line. I brought with me 3 newspapers ... just to show the boys in the concert. While holding the newspaper, there was a press right beside us and they were filming us. Then my friend asked " From what channel?" The guy said........

"We're from MBC Korea Channel"

After hearing that.... "Kim Hyun Joong Saranghae... Kim Hyun Joong fighting... we love you... SS501 fighting!!!!" We started to shout once again ... ha hahhaaa I love the media ^^

To be continued Part 2
