วันอาทิตย์ที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

[Part 1] SS501 Press conference Feb 12, 2010 @ Parc Paragon

Now let me report what has happened on that day to you!

After the boys had landed on Feb 11th, 2010 at about 11.15 PM, they went straight to the hotel to rest (If they went out I didn't have the detail cause I headed home too).

The next day which was Feb 12th, was the Open Press Conference at Parc Paragon, Siam Paragon Shoping Mall. The boys were scheduled to do the open pree conference at 5.PM. There would be a Press Visit in the morning from several media to do the interview.

How about me? I was in the office working .... you are surprised, aren't you? ha ha... I only asked for half day leave and my boss was okay with that. I took the sky train in the morning and saw the half done venue for the Press con that afternoon. I kept thinking where all the fans would be standing or waiting. There were no shelter for them to hide from the sun or escape from the heat. I felt pity for the fans and for my friends who would be sitting there. I saw about 10 TripleS there already.

After getting into the office I was informing MiniUFO that I would try to do the LIVE update during the Press Con. However, I didn't do my job that well.... sorry MiniUFO T_T !!.
While working in the morning, I kept checking all the time whether the boys was doing the interview or not. Then I found the post in Kimhyunjoong My Cute Boy@Pantip saying that DSP Staffs have called to cancelled the morning program because one of the boys was sick!

Do you believe that tale?????????? ................... I'll leave that question for you to answer ^^

Then at about noon, my boss called "Mel, you can leave the office and just go to the Press con. It's your day.... " Oh...!! Woww....! ha ha.. That's good then ! But I didn't left immediately though cause I knew there was nothing to do at that time. I finalled left the office around 1.30 PM. I drove to Siam Center to park my car and saw the restricted area for the boys' vans to be parked. I chose the best spot for myself since I would be following them to Impact arena that day for the rehearsal!

I met my friends from Kmhynjoongthailand at Sukishi Siam Center. the view from the restaurant is so clear that you can actually see the whole area. TripleSThailand and TripleS from other countries like Indonesia, Phillipines, Singapore, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, and some more were waiting under the hot sun and the extreme heat. I felt so bad for them...

Suddenly I saw the 2 sponsor sections (Eversense and Virgin Radio) opened the gate for fans to stand. Now all fans around a hundred or two just hurriedly ran into each block. All of them just wanted to get as close as they can. I looked at my watch .... 2.30 PM and they had to wait and sweating badly for another 2 and a half hours.

You all must think ... "How about you Mel? Why are you still in Sukishi and not outside with the other fans?"

I got a ticket as a Press for this event. I could manage to get only one ticket so I didn't have to wait there. I also was scheduled to register for the fansign session at 3 PM so I couldn't wait outside.

You all know that there would be a Meet&Greet and a Fansign Sessions after the Press Con, right? Everything was so confusing and I didn't even know what to do first. I have to register as a Press at 4 PM and I have to register to get into the fansign at 3 PM. At that time I had no idea where to go first and what to do. After the press con I had to line up at Siam Center to get the signature. How would I manage to run from one place to another?

I had no time to think so I went straight to line up to register for the fansign at 3 PM. The line was really long .... it was 3.30 and the registration had not started YET! ! with only 30 mins, and with this long line, I wouldn't be able to register as a Press in time..... what to do .. what to do...!!!!

I went to talk to DSP staff and it was okay to have someone else register for me ut I had to leave my original ID card with a approval signed on the copy of my ID card. The other mission that I had to complete was to deliver the Welcome Advertisement and the gifts for the 5 boys to DoConcert !! I then rushed to the Press registration booth which is in another shopping mall. It was the sprint I have done in such a long long time !! When I reached there, there were many media from different sections, TV, Printed Ads, Websites, and Radio station. I waited ... waited ... and waited... then I received a call

"The boys are now doing the close press con at Dusit Thani Hotel. They haven't left yet. "

What !!!!! It was nearly the time and they haven't left the hotel... with Bangkok Traffic... I started to get panic all of a sudden. Till I finished registering and went inside the Press restricted area.... and I was in awe !!! OMG... so close to the stage. I kept calling my friends who were waiting in line at Siam Center for the fansign and checking whether I got the ticket to get in or not. I was very worried at that time and then......... I heard the siren .... the police siren.....

All the fans had gone wild... they screamed so loud...

The boys has arrived! I knew they would be parking their vans at Siam Center Parking lot and would use the Fast Track Entrance to get to the Stage. Then I heard the scream from Siam Center Zone..... the boys must have left their vans and on foot now!!

My phone rang...... "Mel..... I just saw Jung Min... he waved at us..." and my friend just screamed oh the phone -_-'''''

Not too long .... I heard the REAL scream from the fans at the Press con... they boys arrived.... they're were walking to the Resting Section behind the stage. I saw Leader... Jung Min... and they all dressed in white !!!!

The MOST HANDSOME and Charming Prince EVER !!! I prepared my VDO Recorder, and have my camera ready.

Then ... the 2 MC ladies walked up the stage to introduce the boys....... it's time... it's time

"Let's Welcome SS501"

And then everybody led out their scream.... it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo loud.
It was a long scream....

The 5 boys are now ready to impress everybody !!

------> to be continued Part 2
