วันจันทร์ที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

[Part 2] SS501 1st Asia Persona Tour Live in Bangkok February 13, 2010

Continued from Part 1

I was so excited before getting in the concert venue. I didn't know how big the area would be. I didn't know whether the concert hall would be filled. I was worried that our boys would be disappointed if too many seats were empty!

When the staffs led us in, everybody ran like they were escaping from some HUGE beasts ^^.
I only knew where I wanted to stand. I was going to stand in the corner on the back, left side (where he danced with the lady dancer during Coward song). I got the spot I wanted ! I knew Leader would be around this area and I knew he would be dancing right in front of me during the encore song "coward".

I looked around the area and it was huge.... fans started to come in ... standing zone was not too heavy. i looked up and the 4500 were still left many seats non-taken. I started to get worried even more. It's about 15 minutes before the concert started. It was not filled! When I looked up to see the area with 3500, 2000, and 800..... Oh my ... they were almost filled ! I couldn't believe my eyes seeing all those people filling in the upper area. Though many seats (about 100) in 4500 sitting zone were not filled at all, the upper level was packed!

The venue light started to dim and the scream of excited fans were heard. It was loud... very loud.. it really showed our anticipation for this concert! I was wondering how the boys would appear on the stage. I was told it would be different from the other Persona so I looked everwhere I could. Then.... the boys appeared from under the stage.... (with a question mark in my mind) I could only screamed as loud as I could. It was strange but I didn't have time think about it at all.

The concert has started and the scream of fans was non-stop. The boys looked GREAT .... and they performed their best for Thai fans. I've been to Taiwan and Hong Kong Persona but I was still excited everytime when watching the show. The Boys never disappointed me. Their smiles, charms, and talents on the stage were extraordinary.

"Sawasdii Krab Puak Rao Double S Five O One Krab"

The clear Thai accect when they greeted the fans was so touching. The atmosphere was high... and it kept rising. After the first 3 songs, they changed their costumes to perform '4Chance and A Song Calling for you'. Leader had the smile on his face all the time. He was happy .. I could see from looking at his brightly smile. He always looked up to see the packed fans on the upper level. The green lightsticks were everywhere and it looked very pretty.

I was suprised when the boys did the Korean traditional Bow to wish the fans a Happy New Year. It was really funny when the 5 of them were together... they teased each other all the time especially Baby Joon and Minnie.

Here came the surprise for us... after Hyung Joon and Kyu Jung solo, Jung Min impressed us by singing a Thai song "Rak Ter" by Tor Saksit. At first I was told he would be singing "Yood" by Grooveriders but then changed to this song. This song was not too hard for him to sing with all the easy melody. I had to admit that Jung Min was the BEST. He's just stolen the hearts of all Thai fans in Impact Arena. He sang so well and so clear. You can hear the fans singing along with him loudly ... ^_^

"aarn pak khong chan na wa.... Rak Ter
Yaak ja pood eek krang wa.... Rak Ter..."

'Read my lips... they're saying... I love You
Want to say it one more time.... I love you ..."

Then Rockie Young Seang did his solo ... it was awesome and I love the outfit he had on that day. He looked so cute. The effect on the stage was brilliant...

During the Green Peas song, the VIP and the 4500 sitting zone used the pink light sticks. I knew the boys were surprised seeing this. Leader looked around smiling all the time. It looked really beautiful with the pink lightsticks surrounded with the green ones. Behind the stage were decorated with the light effect which created the night scene full of stars. It was like the 5 Stars were surrounded with LOVE... and Warmth from the Green Peas. I knew that my TripleS friend was very worried about this project because the 4500 seats were not filled. I could say it turned out GREAT.

Thanks TripleSThailand@Pantip and SS501Thailand for this wonderful feelings.

Well I won't go in detail for the song list during the concert. You can refer back to MiniUFO when she was doing the live update HERE.

I am going to share my own moment with Leader ^^. I knew a lot of fans who were in the concert did share some experience with Leader somehow. This is only my moment and only for my memmory and only with My Leader. It was unexpected and it made my heart filled with joy and happiness. I told you earlier that I have chosen to stay only at this corner. I didn't even run here and there at all even though I knew that I could be really close to Leader throughout the concert... no I didn't run.... I wanted my own moment with him.

The standing zone I was in was not packed but it was filled. It wasn't too empty at all with around 300 -400 fans. When the encore has started, they came out with the same outfit just like every Persona but this time with the letters on their white T-shirt "Persona in Bangkok".

They were filled with high spirit especially Leader. He looked soooooooooo fresh and happy with the Water Gun. This time they were armed ^^. They changed the spot a little .. I thought he would walk to our side to play but he did the oposite. That's okay... he would come this way no metter what. I knew he would be dancing right in front of me.

Finally... he walked towards our side and he stopped to take the Skull Glasses from the fan. He put on the glasses and stuck his tounge out....

aaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........... somebody helpe me !!!!

He was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute with that glasses.
Then he walked to the big bucket to get the water bottle.... at that particular moment....

I held up my Red flower... the one I bought that morning.
I didn't know if he would turn to see me holding this. I didn't know if he would pick up my flower.
I didn't hope for much since last time my skull scarf didn't reach him..

He threw the glasses in the bucket, grabbed the water bottle.... and suddenly he.... turned looking straight at ME.

I remember strecthing my hands as far as I could... and shouted as loud as I could. I looked right into his eyes and I was saying... "Please Leader... take my flower... Please..."

He smiled.....

He walked to me...

He held out his hand...

and he took the Red Flower.... from my hand...

I was about to faint when he used the flower to point at me and he did the MOST EXTRAORDINARY SMILE EVER with his head turning a little ...... and then he walked back to dance with the lady dancer.

Credit Pic: Biondie KHJ0606
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Please Repost with full credit

Credit Pic: As tagged @ Pantip Forum
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Please repost with full credit

I was down on my knees ............... crying T_T .
I knew it was not something that big... I knew he took some other fans' presents and gifts during the concert. But for me... that was my moment and my happiness. All the bad feelings from HK Persona had been washed away... all gone.

I really couldn't describe how I felt ... no adjectives ... no words

Thank you Leader .... Thank you for taking my Rose

I couldn't stop smiling after that moment. I enjoyed the rest of the concert with happiness til the end ...

Oh... I forgot to tell you that I didn't stay until the end of the concert. I left after they said the first ..."Khob Khun Krab" The concert was about to end and they would be flying back after this. I and my friends had rented a van to go straight to the airport. I wouldn't dare to drive since I knew I would be too excited and wouldn't be able to concentrate.

I still had the Pink Rose with me.

When I arrived at the airport, there were some fans there already (wowww....so fast)
I walked around trying to locate the spot where they would be going in.
I didn't have any info about their leaving whether through VIP or not.

I had to send someone in. I talked to my friends and had decided to have my friend went inside. I gave her my Pink rose and the newspaper with some writing on it. I don't mind if he would be tossing these away when he landed Korea. I just wanted to let Leader know how much we love him. I waited outside patiently ... talking happily with the rest of my friends. I saw fans running around the airport all the time.

Suddenly... my phone rang...

"OMG... he waved at me... Leader waved saying good bye to the fans.... "

I hurriedly ask "Did he get the flower... did he get the newspaper???"

She answered "Mission Accomplised ! He got both the newspaper and the Pink Rose"

I was lost in my mind... filled with overwhelmed happiness.

Though we've been waiting for such a long time and though they rushed back to korea, I was happy to at least spend the greatest moment with them. I wish they could stay one more day and went shopping like Jung Min. I wish I could see Leader once again after the concert shopping for musical instuments.

I miss them already... I miss them the first moment I met them.
I wont' be going to Encore concert... I really want to but cant'

However, I will meet them again sometimes this year. I know I will !


6 ความคิดเห็น:

bbmag กล่าวว่า...

thank you thank you thank you for writing and sharing all these!

and you can't imagine how happy i am to hear about your very personal moment with leader *.*

BLo_oM Li_oN กล่าวว่า...

I'm happy writing all these myself ^^

Feel free to share though ^_________^


tira_blurb กล่าวว่า...

I'm sooo happy by reading your story!I understand how it feels the moment when Leader get your rose. Just like how Kyu Joong picked up my balloon but somehow he accidentally dropped it! Wish my best to all Triple S Thai! You guys are great!

Tyra (Triple S Malaysia)

J_Girl กล่าวว่า...

Aww I'm SOO HAPPY FOR YOU! After all the disappointments and hard work you went through it must be so refreshing to receive that smile and acknowledgement from leader! Isn't it all woth it now?? ^^

Belle กล่าวว่า...

Wow, Mel love you for sharing your moment with Leader. I got emotional just reading your account. Especially that part when you started crying. But those were happy tears so that's okay. Will be thinking of you when I'm in Seoul ^^

Stephanie Oktafianti กล่าวว่า...

your dream becoming true..
Leader noticed you..and Jung min'd too ^^
For all what you've done for the boys..You deserve to it..
happy for you mel..