วันพุธที่ 10 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Mission Completed! DARA DAILY with SS501 Welcome Advertisement

I woke up very early today and went straight to the book shop near my house. I asked if they had Dara Daily newspaper and the owner said... "Over there... "

I slowly picked it up and turned to see the back page .... and OMG !!!!

It's like a dream come true. Kimhyunjoongthailand have been working so hard to complete this project. We've contacted many people to get the licensed picture of the 5 boys. After the long waiting of approval and long waiting to receive the picture... there were so many obstacles along the way. The money we've put it. The money from Kimhyunjoong fans all over Thailand. All of our effort and sleepless nights were paid off when I saw the real advertisement.

I stood there and my eyes were teary. I wish, Leader would be able to see our love from Kimhyunjoongthailand fans. I wish we would be able to give this Love to him directly. I wish this Welcome message from us would reach him somehow.

I can't wait for tomorrow to come. I can't wait to see his brilliant smile again.

Thank you Kim Hyun Joong ... thank you for your wonderful works that have drawn all of us together and made this possible!

Thank you all the gals from Kimhyunjoongthailand for all your hard work. You know you've shown the GREATEST Support to Kim Hyun Joong.

MEL @ Kimhyunjoongthailand.com

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GREAT JOB Mel-ssi!!