วันจันทร์ที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Jung Min shopping@Siam Paragon Feb 14, 2010

I plan to write about the concert today but have decided to write about Jung Min!
We all know that he stayed one more day in Bangkok shopping at Siam Paragon and Suan Lum Night Bazaar.

The morning after the concert day was bright and lively. I woke up very late because I sent the 4 boys off. I didn't get to see them but I was glad I was there ^^.

I checked with my friend whether Jung Min was still in the hotel and hurried getting dress. I left my house together with 4 of my friends to the hotel. I called my friend again to update the status and was told that he might go to Central World (BTW, 4 minutes were scheduled to hld the fansign there). I then change the route to Central World. The traffic was jammed so bad... and then another call came ... "He is eating at MK Gold Restaurant" I turned my car at once and headed there.

I arrived at MK and saw some fans outside and I saw the vans! I missed the turn and passed the restaurant.... my friends were screaming.... "Why didn't you turn???? go back go back..."

I know I knowwwww..... I made a U-Turn in the gas station ... and surprisingly ...they were about to leave. I parked my car in the middle of the street and let the vans went first !!
The Three Vans left.. I followed them and some other fanclub vans and cars and taxi....

Now... I was back as Sandra Bullock in the movie "Speed". I followed them all the way and to my surprise.... they went back to the same street I just came.... they headed to Siam Paragon. My friends got off the car and ran to his vans waiting to greet Jung Min. How about me? I had to park my car -_-''

While trying to find the parking lot, my friend called and said ...

"Jung Min laughed soooooooooooooooooooooooooo loud. He waved to us.... and he said "Anyoung to us tooo"

and she screamed again.

wow.... Siam Paragon on Sunday afternoon !! I must tell you that this shpping mall will alwyas packed with tourists, teenagers, and family members. Jung Min must be very happy that he laughed that loud. So sad I missed the scene.

After parking my car, I went up to the second floor at Siam Paragon and tried walking around. I knew there would be fans walking after Jung Min so I chose to go in a different direction. I acted like a regular shopper. I saw him from far away and the security guards.... I kept my excitement inside and acted normal. He was walking towards me ... the guard didn't notice that I was a fan. When I was about to pass him ... I turned to him and said "Jung Min shii... hello" and I waved.

Jung Min looked at me and gave me the brightest smile EVER ! He also waved back at me too. The guard just noticed and looked at me.... but it was too late... ke ke ^^

My friend told me that Jung Min was looking for the pink T-shirt not because it was Valentine's Day but because on that day the Thai people are wearing pink for the King of Thailand. He even asked the translator to find the Pink T-shirt with the message "I Love the King". How thoughtful of Jung Min!

He was walking around the shopping area happily. He waved all the time to the fans... he smiled ... he laughed... I've never seen any idol who have given the BeST fan service like him. Then he went back to Playboy shop again and was choosing the pink T-shirt. He stayed there about 30 minutes trying to pick the T-shirt for himself and for the staffs.

He chose one dark pink T-shirt to try on and when he walked out from the fitting room, the fans clappped their hands and cheered him. He looks soooooooooooooooooo goood with that dark pink! He then tried on another one with lighter tone. When out of the fitting room, all the fans said....

"Nooooooooooooo, Jung Min..... nooo.... that one... that one.... not this one"

He then played with the fans and asked which one was better!
We all agreed that the first one he tried was better.... but Jung Min made the CUTEST face... like he alwasy does... and he made the gestures like.... "I like this one better... I like the pattern"

But the fans wouldn't agree... ha ha... it was sooooo much fun being able to give suggestion to the idol!

Then he walked around the shop again. The fans called out his name from time to time... and then some fans said....

"CEO Park"

This was the best shot of the day....

Our CEO Park turned to us immediately and did the smiled cunningly ^_^
Oh.... myyyyyyyyyyy.... the fans and I screamed soooooo loud. I never thought he would make such a cute face with the vicious smile ....

I and my friends were standing on the right side of the shop when Jung Min walked to talk to the saleperson... he was only an arm-reach distance. Jung Min grabbed the Pink Pillow and asked how much (I guess) but the saleperson told the translator that this pillow is not for sale. Every purchase of 5,000 baht will get the pillow for free. Jung Min held on tightly to the pillow and we could see that really wanted it. He even bargained with the saleperson... to give it to him.

Then my friends and I all looked at him and told him to buy one shirt for us so he could get the pillow. Jung Min was making his eyes soooo big and just smiled and he was shaking his head suggesting like... "Noooooooo"

I was almost gone wild seeing that face and such a humurous playful personality!

Oh! I forgot one more shot.... one of my friend bought him a hat...(the shop was right behind Playboy shop). She just bought it at that time and wanted to give to him. We called his name and my friend tried to pass him the gift. He was about to take it but then the guard came and block him from us..... do you know what Jung Min did?

He ignored the guard and hold his hand out to take the gift from my friend's hand!

Thank you Jung Min ... Thank you for your kind heart to Thai fans like us.

I didn't follow him but I left the mall to the airport. I knew that the trafiic will be horrible so I wanted to go early.

The airport scene was the most memorable...
When Jung Min came, he never stopped smilng or waving at us. When he went inside... he turned around and he bowed to us .... many many times.

Jung Min.... you've taken my heart and all the fans' hearts.

Please come back to Thailand again ... can't wait to see you smiling like that !!!


11 ความคิดเห็น:

Unknown กล่าวว่า...

C.E.O Park had stolen my heart (that leader done before). ^^


love ss501

liezle กล่าวว่า...

oh mel, i know you've said this to me already for like 3 times i think and still i love reading what you've written in full details. geez, had i know he'll be in siam i would have gone there too instead of having that massage. ^^. well, anyway, probably not really meant to be.

jung min has taken my heart a new. he's always doing that whenever i see him in person. he's such an adorable creature.
missing him and the rest of the boys.

thanks again mel telling this story. and thank a lot too for being so nice and accommodating when i was there.

hope to see you again soon.


Unknown กล่าวว่า...

thank you so much for sahring :D

f: Gaby

Stephanie Oktafianti กล่าวว่า...

Wow..what a great memorable time..
happy to hear your story, Mel.
i even smiling my self..when read this..such a great story..
Happy for you Mel..if there was Leader too..that would be Excelent..:D
Oh, btw..Happy Lunar Year..^^

quizzy กล่าวว่า...

oh mel! this is such a nice fan account of yours, truly jungmin is always the friendliest and the cheerful one!No wonder people will always love him.. such a sweetie.. thanks fr sharing this mel, i love minnie more and more each day!!!

be safe!!

234changle กล่าวว่า...

oh Mel, it's so excited to read your recount. Thank you for sharing. Jung Min is always so sweet to fans. His singing of "Rak Ter" is so great.

Belle กล่าวว่า...

Hi Mel
This is Belle. We met in HK during SgtripleS gathering at Epoc cafe. Hope you remember this leader fan ^^. Wasn't able to post until I recently created a google account. I love and enjoyed your Bangkok Persona accounts so much.

You made me turn green with envy with your Jungminie encounters.. sigh.. Glad you had a blast! You certainly deserve it after all that you gals have done for Hyun Joong & SS501.

bbmag กล่าวว่า...

hey.... your heart's still with leader, no...? *.*

don't tell me you're gonna be moonlighting for parkjungminthailand.com? :p

but yea, mal's really the greatest when it comes to fan service. and soooo... many fans would grow to like him after they've seen him in person.

actually i've quite some stories about mal from my looooooong-ago hk fan meet... keke, so late still haven't done my fan account!

and... about what mal did..? ignoring the guard and reaching out his hand to the fan, leader did something similar for me once... also at the hk fan meet... i was soooo... completely taken in.

anyway, am glad that the whole persona bkk is over and you gals have done so much and so well. muacks!

BLo_oM Li_oN กล่าวว่า...


Thank you all for reading my account ...

@bb -- My heart always beats for Leader ^^...

and Oh... !! I think I've heard the story from SgTripleS about your encounter with JM keke...
But i want to read it again...

Also ... please blog about leader story... I'm dying to read ...


phtriples กล่าวว่า...

hi mel! we were there in bangkok too to attend the concert and i saw jung min up close in the airport. if i had known he was in siam paragon, we would have gone there too! i really enjoyed reading your fan account. it makes me feel like i was there with him too. jung min is really the sweetest thing. h have so much admiration for him. you're so lucky you had those moments with him. :) oh, and by the way, i'm from the philippines, and thailand was great! i enjoyed my trip! :)

maryho2323 กล่าวว่า...

wow, nice fan account... thanks for sharing..