วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

What happened when I was inside? did I meet Leader?

Now I am ready to retell the story of what has happened yesterday inside the airport before SS501 landed and after landed.

I was talking to MiniUFO and then my friends called asking whether I would be going to the airport or the hotel. I've decided to go to the airport no matter what. I've arranged myself to get inside and in front of the gate they would arrive.

I arrived at about 9.30 PM, starving ! I and my friend went to grab something to eat and I received a call again.. This time "Hey... hurry here, we need to get inside"

I was not even half done with my food but I had to leave to do the Pass Holder to get inside the airport. Then I saw DSP staffs with the tag "SS501 Persona in Bangkok" and I knew I would be going inside together with them.

Walking through the restricted area was quite an experience to me and it was my first time ^^. I passed duty free shops... and got so excited that I wanted to stop to do some shopping !!!
The authorized officer led us through the gate where the boys' plane would be landng.


There were some fans waiting outside of the gate already. They are from Taiwan and China I guessed since they spoke Chinese. I saw DSP staffs sitting aroung waiting just like us and I was curious ..... where are DoCon Staffs??

Kimhyunjoongthailand have sent stalkers ( ha ha) to different places around the airport. We have some girls waiting outside the normal exit. We have some walking around outside the airport looking for the suspicious vans or bus. And some were at the VIP room waiting to see if the boys will leave through that exit.

I didn't have my expectation too high since I was told for many days that they would be using the SUPER DUPER VIP exit... but i went there just to at least feel the atmosphere when I see the plane right in front of my eyes. Time was running fast... and I saw Thai airways staffs suddenly got up and walked away (I heard one of them said through the walkie talkie ..."all staffs go to G5") and then I heard one of the immigration office said "Confirmed group of 20!!" I had no idea if they were talking about our boys or not. During all these had happened...I kept texting MiniUFO informing her my every move. I wished I could borrow her UFO to fetch the boys myself from Korea. !!

And finaly it's time... the officer told me the plane had landed and was right in front of us. I kept looking... far outside of the gate. The other fans lined up. I still kept looking and thinking... they're gone alreay for sure.... then Thai airways staffs walked out from the plane and that when I heard the fans led out a little scream. None of our boys could be seen!

The staffs who walked out said "Fanclubs don't have to wait.. they're gone through VIP"

I believed them but my heart wouldn't. My heart told me to keep waiting and waiting and waiting till I got the confirmation from my friends in the VIP room saying she saw Leader and Jung Min. I still waited ... I texted MiniUFO, I called Liezle, I called my friends to hurry to the hotel and don't wait for me. Then I saw one of the manager, the slylish noona, and some more staffs walked out with DSPThai staffs escorting them. I only took a peek and then followed them slowly. I walked with no direction. I was not sad but I felt empty.

I didn't really follow them but ended up seeing them again at the luggage claim. I stopped there looking at them collecting the staffs lugguage wondering which one is leader's. I sat there looking around even though I should be following the girls to the hotel.

"Mel .... go give the manager your Welcome Ads" My friend shouted at me !

After 2 seconds, I walked to the manager!

"This is our Welcome Advertisement from Kimhyunjoongthailand."

The manager looked at the paper and slightly turned away.

and in that situation...didn't know what to do

The camera guy (I found out later that he is a camera man from SS501 team) took the ads.

He looked at it and was saying something in Korean which I had no clue!
I searched for help but NONE was found, even our Thai translator beside me didn't give a hand.

I kept speaking English to him "For Kim Hyun Joong, Please give this to Kim Hyun Joong"
The camera man did the sign signaling that he would give the paper to Kim Hyun Joong.
I thank him and walked away.

After I left the scene, the staffs who were around us moment ago one by one looked at our ads.
I wonder why they just ignored me a minute ago -_-'''

I felt so bad after all we've done ... the staffs didn't show any expression at all. Well, what to do then... I just thought we've done our best... we know we've done the BEST for SS501 and Kim Hyun Joong! I left the airport and went straight to the hotel to pick up my friends.

and Yes... this is what happened when I was inside ! Disappointed??? Yes.. a bit... but only think... I will be meeting them in the Press Con ^_^!

4 ความคิดเห็น:

marge0256 กล่าวว่า...

Hi Mel, thanks for sharing your experiences, I hope to read more from you. And I pray you'll have that encounter you want. :)


234changle กล่าวว่า...


Thank you very much for your sharing. Wish you good luck.

bbmag กล่าวว่า...

mel... sometimes i think the boys really really really should change manager/s. i've not heard many positive things about them at all, and most fans seem to have experience their 'rudeness', 'coldness', or nonchalance... don't they understand that stars are nothing if without their fans? sighs...

thank goodness our boys are appreciative.

BLo_oM Li_oN กล่าวว่า...


I'm still in the project we've talked about ^^

Let me know, k???
